Mengingati tujuan hidup ini , maksud insan diciptakan dan arah tuju pada kehidupan yang kekal abadi apa yang sedang kita sediakan untuknya
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Aku, Lim dan Islam..Dari Jeram Pasu
Aku punya seorang rakan baik dari zaman kanak-kanak. Lim Wei Choon. Sama-sama bersekolah rendah hingga ke peringkat menengah . Selepas SPM, aku masuk ke Tingkatan 6, manakala Lim dihantar keluarganya melanjutkan pelajaran ke Amerika Syarikat. Kenangan sewaktu kanak-kanak hingga ke zaman remaja terlalu banyak yang dikongsi bersama.
Setiap kali hari raya menjelang, Lim pasti berkunjung ke rumah ku untuk menikmati dodol arwah ayahku yang amat digemarinya. Kadangkala, jika ada kenduri kendara di rumahku, pasti Lim akan turut serta. Aku jarang ke rumahnya kecuali untuk beberapa sambutan seperti hari jadi dan juga Tahun Baru Cina. Aku takut dengan anjing peliharaan keluarga Lim.
Dengan Lim juga aku belajar matematik manakala subjek Bahasa Malaysia sering menjadi rujukannya padaku. Kenangan-kenangan seperti memancing, mandi jeram, ponteng sekolah untuk melihat pertandingan 'breakdance', semuanya kami kongsi bersama-sama. Apa yang ingin kunyatakan ialah, warna kulit dan perbezaan ugama tidak pernah menjadi penghalang persahabatan kami. 20 tahun telah berlalu, Lim telah menetap di Amerika setelah berjaya mendapat Green Card, beliau bekerja di sana. Itu yang kuketahui dari kakaknya.
Hubungan ku dengan Lim terputus setelah dia melanjutkan pelajaran. Maklumlah, di zaman kami dulu tiada internet, email atau telefon bimbit, yang ada cuma sesekali menghantar poskad bertanya khabar. Untuk menulis surat kepada lelaki amat malas kami rasakan.
Suatu pagi, Aku bertembung dengan kakak Lim di pasar , kakaknya memberitahu Lim akan pulang ke tanah air. Dan aku amat terkejut dengan berita yang kudengar dari kakaknya.
" He's name is no more Lim Wei Choon. He's now Ahmad Zulfakar Lim since 5 years ago. ..Subhanallah!
Syukur Alhamdulillah, rakan baikku telah menemui hidayah dari Allah S.W.T. Memang aku tak sabar untuk berjumpa dengannya lebih-lebih lagi setelah menjadi saudara seagama denganku.
Hari yang kutunggu-tunggu telah tiba, dan petang itu aku berkesempatan bertemu dengan Lim di rumahnya. Ada satu keraian istimewa sempena menyambut kepulangannya. Ketika aku tiba, tetamu sudah semakin berkurangan. ..
Assalamualaikum..Itulah kalimat pertama dari mulutnya, wajahnya sudah jauh berubah, air mukanya amat redup dan tenang.
Aku menjawab salam dan berpelukan dengannya dan kami menangis umpama kekasih yang sudah terlalu lama terpisah.
'Ini dia olang memang sudah manyak lama kawan, dari kecik ini dua olang". Ibu Lim menjelaskan pada beberapa orang tetamu yang melihat peristiwa kami berpelukan dan menangis itu. Tetapi aku bukan menangis kerana apa, tetapi kerana amat sebak dan terharu dan sangat bersyukur melihat keislaman rakanku. Lim mengajak aku duduk di buaian di halaman rumahnya untuk berbual-bual. Beliau masih fasih berbahasa Melayu walau sudah lama berada di perantauan.
Talha, kau kawan baik aku kan? betul tak? . Memanglah..Kenapa kau tanya macam tu? Kalau kau kawan baik aku, Kenapa kau biarkan aku diseksa?
Sorry Lim. Aku tak faham..diseksa? What do you mean?
Cuba kau fikir, kita ni kawan dari kecil. Aku ingat lagi, rumah kau tu, is my second house.
Tapi, mengapalah kau tak pernah ceritakan pada aku tentang Islam? Mengapa aku kena pergi ke US baru aku dapat belajar tentang Islam? Mengapa bukan di Malaysia, negara Islam ni?
Dan mengapa aku diIslamkan oleh seorang bekas paderi kristian?
Aku terdiam, kelu tak mampu menjawab. Dan Lim terus berkata-kata.Kalau betullah kau kawan baik aku, Kenapa kau cuma nak baik dengan aku di dunia saja? Kau suka tengok kawan baik kau ni diseksa di dalam api neraka?
Kau tahu, kalaulah aku ni tak sempat masuk Islam hingga aku mati. Aku akan dakwa semua orang melayu Islam dalam kampung kita ni sebab tak sampaikan dakwah dan risalah Islam pada aku, keluarga aku dan non muslim yang lain.Kau sedar tak, kau dah diberikan nikmat besar oleh Allah denagn melahirkan kau didalam keluarga Islam. Tapi, nikmat itu bukan untuk kau nikmati seorang diri, atau untuk keluarga kau sendiri, kau dilahirkan dalam Islam adalah kerana ditugaskan untuk sampaikan Islam pada orang-orang yang dilahirkan dalam keluarga bukan Islam macam aku.
Aku masih tunduk dan tak terkata apa-apa kerana sangat malu. Berdakwah adalah tugas muslim yang paling utama, sebagai pewaris Nabi, penyambung Risalah.
Tetapi apa yang aku lihat, orang Melayu ni tidak ada roh jihad, tak ada keinginan untuk berdakwah, macamana Allah nak tolong bangsa Melayu kalau bangsa tu sendiri tak tolong ugama Allah? Aku bukan nak banggakan diri aku, cuma aku kesal..sepatutnya nikmat ini kau kena gunakan dengan betul dan tepat, kerana selagi kau belum pernah berdakwah, jangan kau fikir kau sudah bersyukur pada Allah.
Dan satu lagi, jangan dengan mudah kau cop orang-orang bukan Islam itu sebagai kafir kerana kafir itu bererti ingkar. Kalau kau dah sampaikan seruan dengan betul, kemudian mereka ingkar dan berpaling, barulah kau boleh panggil kafir.
Aku menjadi amat malu, kerana segala apa yang dikatakan oleh Lim adalah benar! Dan aku tak pernah pun terfikir selama ini. Aku hanya sibuk untuk memperbaiki amalan diri sehingga lupa pada tugasku yang sebenar.
Baru aku faham, andainya tugas berdakwah ini telak dilaksanakan, Allah akan memberikan lagi pertolongan, bantuan dan kekuatan serta mempermudahkan segala urusan dunia dan akhirat seseorang itu.Petang itu aku pulang dengan satu semangat baru. Aku ingin berdakwah!
Lim yang baru memeluk Islam selama 5 tahun itu pun telah mengislamkan lebih 20 orang termasuk adiknya. Mengapa aku yang hampir 40 tahun Islam ini (benarkah aku islam tulen) tidak pernah hatta walau seorang pun orang bukan Islam yang pernah kusampaikan dengan serious tentang kebenaran Islam?
Semoga Allah mengampuni diriku yang tidak faham apa itu erti nikmat dilahirkan sebagai Islam.
P/s : sebagai Tauladan..Melalui email dari seorang kawan
Monday, August 4, 2008
However this syllogism is definitely out of question and in any case cannot explain how the universe came into being. William Lane Craig, the author of The Big Bang: Theism and Atheism explains why:
A quantum mechanical vacuum spawning material particles is far from the ordinary idea of a "vacuum" (meaning nothing). Rather, a quantum vacuum is a sea of continually forming and dissolving particles, which borrow energy from the vacuum for their brief existence. This is not "nothing," and hence, material particles do not come into being out of nothing. 1
So in quantum physics, matter does not exist when it was not before. What happens is that ambient energy suddenly becomes matter and just as suddenly disappears becoming energy again. In short, there is no condition of existence from nothingness as is claimed.
According to Isaac Newton, light was a flow of a substance known as corpuscles. The basis of the traditional Newtonian physics—which was accepted until the discovery of quantum physics—was that light consisted entirely of a collection of particles. However, James Clerk Maxwell, a 19th century physicist, suggested that light demonstrated wave action. Quantum theory reconciled this greatest debate in physics.
In 1905, Albert Einstein claimed that light possessed quanta, or small packets of energy. These energy packets were given the name photons. Although described as particles, photons could be observed to behave in the wave motion proposed by Maxwell in the 1860s. Therefore, light was a transitional phenomenon between wave and particle 2 —a state of affairs that displayed a major contradiction in terms of Newtonian physics.
Immediately after Einstein, Max Planck, a German physicist, investigated light and astonished the entire scientific world by determining that it was both a wave and a particle. According to this idea, which he proposed under the name of quantum theory, energy was disseminated in the form of interrupted and discrete packets, rather than being straight and constant.
In a quantum event, light exhibited both particle-like and wave-like properties. The particle known as the photon was accompanied by a wave in space. In other words, light moved like a wave through space, but behaved as an active particle when it encountered an obstacle. To express it another way, it adopted the form of energy until encountering an obstacle, at which time it assumed the form of particles, as if it were composed of tiny material bodies reminiscent of grains of sand.
After Planck, this theory was further expanded by scientists such as Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli. Each was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discoveries.
About this new discovery regarding the nature of light, Amit Goswami says this:
When light is seen as a wave, it seems capable of being in two (or more) places at the same time, as when it passes through the slits of an umbrella and produces a diffraction pattern; when we catch it on a photographic film, however, it shows up discretely, spot by spot, like a beam of particles. So light must be both a wave and a particle. Paradoxical, isn’t it? At stake is one of the bulwarks of the old physics: unambiguous description in language. Also at stake is the idea of objectivity: Does the nature of light—what light is—depend on how we observe it? 3
Scientists now no longer believed that matter consists of inanimate, random particles. Quantum physics had no materialist significance, because there were non-material things at the essence of matter. While Einstein, Philipp Lenard and Arthur Holly Compton investigated the particle structure of light, Louis de Broglie began looking at its wave structure.
De Broglie’s discovery was an extraordinary one: In his research, he observed that sub-atomic particles also displayed wave-like properties. Particles such as the electron and proton also had wavelengths. In other words, inside the atom—which materialism described as absolute matter—there were non-material energy waves, contrary to materialist belief. Just like light, these minute particles inside the atom behaved like waves at times, and exhibited the properties of particles at others. Contrary to materialist expectations, the absolute matter in the atom could be detected at certain times, but disappeared at others.
This major discovery showed that what we imagine to be the real world were in fact shadows. Matter had completely departed from the realm of physics and was headed in the direction of metaphysics. 4
The physicist Richard Feynman described this interesting fact about sub-atomic particles and light:
Now we know how the electrons and light behave. But what can I call it? If I say they behave like particles I give the wrong impression; also if I say they behave like waves. They behave in their own inimitable way, which technically could be called a quantum mechanical way. They behave in a way that is like nothing that you have ever seen before. . . . An atom does not behave like a weight hanging on a spring and oscillating. Nor does it behave like a miniature representation of the solar system with little planets going around in orbits. Nor does it appear to be somewhat like a cloud or fog of some sort surrounding the nucleus. It behaves like nothing you have ever seen before.
There is one simplification at least. Electrons behave in this respect in exactly the same way as photons; they are both screwy, but in exactly the same way.
How they behave, therefore, takes a great deal of imagination to appreciate, because we are going to describe something which is different from anything you know about. . . . Nobody knows how it can be like that. 5
To sum up, quantum physicists say that the objective world is an illusion.6 Professor Hans-Peter Dürr, head of the Max Planck Institute of Physics, summarizes this fact:
Whatever matter is, it is not made of matter. 7
All the most celebrated physicists of the 1920s, everyone from Paul Dirac to Niles Bohr, and from Albert Einstein to Werner Heisenberg, sought to explain these results from quantum experiments. Eventually, one group of physicists at the Fifth Solvay Conference on Physics held in Brussels in 1927—Bohr, Max Born, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli—reached an agreement known as the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. It took this name from the place of work of the leader of the group, Bohr, who suggested that the physical reality proposed by quantum theory was the information we have regarding a system and the estimates we make on the basis of that information. In his view, these guesses made in our brains had nothing to do with the outside reality.
In short, our internal world had nothing to do with the outside real world that had been the main subject of interest of physicists from Aristotle to the present day. Physicists abandoned their old ideas regarding this view and agreed that quantum understanding represented only our knowledge of the physical system. The material world we can perceive exists solely as information in our brains. In other words, we can never obtain direct experience of matter in the outside world.
Jeffrey M. Schwartz, a neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry from University of California, described this conclusion emerging from the Copenhagen Interpretation:
As John Archibald cracked, “No phenomenon is a phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.” 9
In summary, quantum mechanics’ all conventional interpretations depend on the existence of a perceiving being. 10
Amit Goswami expanded on this insight:
Suppose we ask, Is the moon there when we are not looking at it? To the extent that the moon is ultimately a quantum object (being composed entirely of quantum objects), we must say no—so says physicist David Mermin. . . .
Perhaps the most important, and the most insidious, assumption that we absorb in our childhoods is that of the material world of objects existing out there—independent of subjects, who are the observers. There is circumstantial evidence in favor of such an assumption. Whenever we look at the moon, for example, we find the moon where we expect it along its classically calculated trajectory. Naturally we project that the moon is always there in space-time, even when we are not looking. Quantum physics says no. When we are not looking, the moon’s possibility wave spreads, albeit by a minuscule amount. When we look, the wave collapses instantly; thus the wave could not be in space-time. It makes more sense to adapt an idealist metaphysic assumption: There is no object in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it. 11
This, of course, applies to our perceptual world. The existence of the Moon is of course obvious in the outside world. But when we look at it, all we actually encounter is our own perception of the Moon.
Jeffrey M. Schwartz included these lines regarding the fact demonstrated by quantum physics in his book The Mind and the Brain:
The role of observation in quantum physics cannot be emphasized too strongly. In classical physics [Newtonian physics], observed systems have an existence independent of the mind that observes and probes them. In quantum physics, however, only through an act of observation does a physical quantity come to have an actual value. 12
Schwartz also summarized the views of various physicists on the subject:
As Jacob Bronowski wrote in The Ascent of Man,
“One aim of the physical sciences has been to give an exact picture of the material world. One achievement of physics in the twentieth century has been to prove that that aim is unattainable.” . . . Heisenberg said the concept of objective reality “has thus evaporated.“ Writing in 1958, he admitted that “the laws of nature which we formulate mathematically in quantum theory deal no longer with the particles themselves but with our knowledge of the elementary particles.” “It is wrong,” Bohr once said, “to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature.” 13
Fred Alan Wolf, one of the guest physicists in the documentary film “What the Bleep Do We Know?” described this same fact:
What makes up things are not more things. But what makes up things are ideas, concepts, information. . . .
Sunday, July 20, 2008
One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within three to nine years after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran:
The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4)
Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.1 At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years. In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive victory of the Romans over the Persians, for the first time after the Romans’ defeat in 613.2 The prophecy was fulfilled just as God has said in the Quran.
There are also many other verses in the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that mention future events which later came to pass.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hadrat Jabir (Radhiallahu’anhu) narrated that some angels came the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu’alaihi wa Sallam) in such a condition that he was asleep. The angels said, “There is a similitude for this friend of yours ;therefore mention it ,” On this some of them said , “ He is asleep ,” While others said , “ His eye are closed but his heart is awakened,” Then the angels remark , “His similitude is like the person who built a house and sent a messenger to invite people on a feast in that house . Whosoever accepted the invitation , entered the house and partook from the feast . While whoever did not accepted the invitation, was neither able to enter the house nor to enjoy the feast.” Then some of the angels said, “ Explain it so that he (i.e . the Holy Prophet) may understand it” .On this some of them (again)said , “He is asleep while others said “ His eye are closed but his heart is awakened,” Then the angels explained, “The house means the Paradise (al-jannah) and the messenger is Muhammad (Sallallahu’alaihi wa Sallam) “Whosoever obeyed Muhammad ,(he actually) obey Allah ;and whoever disobeyed Muhammad (he actually) disobeyed Allah .(And ) Muhammad is the sign of distinction ( between the believer and a non-believer i.e. those who are obedient to him are the Believers while those are disobedient to him are the non-believer.
Hadrat Abu Hurairah (Radhiallahu’anhu) also narrated (in a Marfu’ Hadith) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu’alaihi wa Sallam) said, “All my people (ummah) will enter the
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pentingnya Akidah Kepada Umat Islam
Iman adalah harta yang sangat bernilai. Ia bukan sesuatu yang boleh diwarisi atau dijual beli. Ia adalah anugerah Allah yang patut disyukuri dan dipelihara. Kerana itulah, Nabi Yaaqub alaihissalam sekalipun bernasabkan para Nabi dan memiliki keturunan juga di kalangan para Nabi cukup bimbang akan keselamatan akidah anak cucu baginda. Ini diceritakan di dalam al-Quran surah al-Baqarah ayat 133 yang maksudnya:(Demikianlah wasiat Nabi Yaaqub, bukan sebagaimana yang kamu katakan itu wahai orang-orang Yahudi!)� Kamu tiada hadir ketika Nabi Yaaqub hampir mati, ketika ia berkata kepada anak-anaknya: Apakah yang kamu akan sembah sesudah aku mati? Mereka menjawab:Kami menyembah Tuhanmu dan Tuhan datuk nenekmu Ibrahim dan Ismail dan Ishaq, iaitu Tuhan Maha Esa, dan kepada-Nyalah sahaja kami berserah diri (dengan penuh iman).
Kerana akidah juga, para Nabi dan rasul sanggup menerima apa jua rintangan dan bebanan demi memperjuangkannya. Dari Nabi Adam alaihissalam hinggalah kepada Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam semuanya telah berusaha memelihara akidah umat mereka agar tidak terpesong ke jalan sesat. Penghijrahan Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam dari Mekah ke Madinah umpamanya bertujuan untuk membentuk umat Islam yang baru berpegang kepada ajaran agama Islam.
Kepentingan akidah dan perjuangan mempertahankannya ada disebutkan dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Imam Muslim dari Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu yang bermaksud:Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam ditanya:Apakah amal yang paling utama? Rasulullah menjawab:Beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Baginda ditanya lagi, kemudian apa? Baginda menjawab:Jihad fi sabilillah.
Akidah yang merupakan simpulan iman akan menyuntikkan semangat perjuangan, menyuburkan daya saing dan memupuk perpaduan di kalangan umat Islam. Ini kerana, iman yang tersimpul erat di dalam hati mendorong seseorang untuk berusaha, bekerja keras, melakukan kebajikan, membantu orang, membina kemajuan, menunaikan tanggungjawab, sanggup berkorban dan sebagainya demi mengaut seberapa banyak pahala kebajikan.
Umat Islam yang tidak mempunyai akidah yang kukuh akan mudah terpesong dan menyeleweng dari ajaran agamanya yang sebenar. Bukan itu saja, ia akan menjadi anggota masyarakat yang tamak kerana cintakan dunia, pengecut kerana takutkan manusia, liar kerana tiada pegangan, tidak jujur kerana tidak mengenal dosa dan membawa pelbagai lagi masalah dan kerosakan yang merugikan pelbagai pihak. Begitu juga segala pembangunan dan kemajuan yang dibina oleh umat Islam, jika tidak didasari oleh kekukuhan akidah,� ia hanya akan membawa kepada pelbagai kekalutan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Ini kerana, akidah adalah asas kepada kesejahteraan dan petunjuk dari Allah. Ini dijelaskan dalam fiman Allah subhanahu wataala dalam surah al-Anaam ayat 82 yang tafsirnya:Orang-orang yang beriman dan tidak mencampur-adukkan iman mereka dengan kezaliman (syirik), mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat keamanan dan merekalah orang-orang yang mendapat hidayah dan petunjuk.
Akidah juga adalah tunjang segala amalan dan benteng pertahanan yang kukuh daripada segala perkara yang merosakkan. Jika akidah seseorang itu tidak betul, maka segala amalan yang dilakukannya menjadi sia-sia belaka, manakala di akhirat pula akan dimasukkan ke dalam api neraka.
Firman� Allah subhanahu wataala dalam surah al-Anbiyaa ayat 94 yang tafsirnya:Dengan yang demikian, sesiapa yang mengerjakan sesuatu amal kebaikan, sedang ia beriman, maka tidaklah disia-siakan amal usahanya; dan sesungguhnya Kami tetap menulisnya.
Namun kepentingan akidah kurang diambil perhatian oleh sebilangan umat Islam masa kini.� Mereka lebih bimbangkan nasib anak bangsa dan anak cucu mereka akan menjadi miskin harta dan tanah setelah mereka tiada nanti. Tetapi adakah ramai dari kalangan umat Islam yang bimbangkan nasib anak cucu mereka jika mereka miskin iman dan jiwa? Kita yang berada di akhir zaman ini, sepatutnya lebih bimbang lagi akan keutuhan akidah anak-anak kita. Kita patut insaf betapa pentingnya akidah dalam menentukan nasib dan maruah bangsa.
Sebagai umat Islam yang inginkan kesejahteraan hidup di dunia dan keselamatan di akhirat,� kita hendaklah menjadi masyarakat Islam yang memelihara dan menegakkan akidah dan syariat Islam. Bagi memelihara dan memperkukuhkan akidah pula ia hendaklah dibina atas dasar iman yang kukuh, dibajai dengan ilmu dan amal serta dipelihara dari dicemari oleh sebarang serangan anasir dan gejala penyelewengan dan kesesatan. Berdoalah di samping segala usaha yang lain dalam mempertahankan keutuhan akidah Islam. Sabda Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam daripada Ali radiallahu anhu yang bermaksud:Doa adalah senjata orang mukmin, tiang kepada agama dan cahaya kepada langit dan bumi.
(Riwayat al-Imam al-Hakim)Monday, July 7, 2008
Abu Bakar r.a. berkata, " Sesungguhnya iblis berdiri di depanmu, jiwa di sebelah kananmu, nafsu di sebelah kirimu, dunia di sebelah belakangmu dan semua anggota tubuhmu berada di sekitar tubuhmu. Sedangkan Allah di atasmu. Sementara iblis terkutuk mengajakmu meringan-ringankan dan meninggalkan agama, jiwa mengajakmu ke arah maksiat, nafsu mengajakmu memenuhi syahwat, dunia mengajakmu supaya memilihnya dari akhirat dan anggota tubuh menagajakmu melakukan dosa. Dan Tuhan mengajakmu masuk Syurga serta mendapat keampunan-Nya, sebagaimana firmannya yang bermaksud, "....Dan Allah mengajak ke Syurga serta menuju keampunan-Nya..."
Siapa yang memenuhi ajakan iblis, maka hilang agama dari dirinya. Sesiapa yang memenuhi ajakan jiwa, maka hilang darinya nilai nyawanya. Sesiapa yang memenuhi ajakan nafsunya, maka hilanglah akal dari dirinya. Siapa yang memenuhi ajakan dunia, maka hilang akhirat dari dirinya. Dan siapa yang memenuhi ajakan anggota tubuhnya, maka hilang syurga dari dirinya.
Dan siapa yang memenuhi ajakan Allah S.W.T., maka hilang dari dirinya semua kejahatan dan ia memperolehi semua kebaikan."
Iblis adalah musuh manusia, sementara manusia adalah sasaran iblis. Oleh itu, manusia hendaklah sentiasa berwaspada sebab iblis sentiasa melihat tepat pada sasarannya.